The Keyaki Treebank


       by Alastair Butler, Stephen Wright Horn, Kei Yoshimoto, Iku Nagasaki and Ai Kubota



Manual (English)

Manual (日本語)




1   Introduction

2   List of tags

2.1   Part-of-speech tags

2.2   Syntactic tags

2.3   Specifications of clause linkage

2.4   Other tags

3   General parsing principles

4   Segmentation and part-of-speech annotation

5   Basic clause structure

6   Null elements

6.1   Null elements without indexing

6.2   Null elements that are always indexed

6.3   The position of null elements

7   Annotation of grammatical roles

7.1   Core grammatical roles

7.1.1   Explicitly marked arguments

7.1.2   Implicitly marked arguments

7.1.3   Omitted NPs

7.2   Peripheral grammatical roles

7.2.1   Explicitly marked adjuncts

7.2.2   Implicitly marked NPs

7.2.3   Adjunct traces

8   Particles/Postpositions (P)

8.1   Particles for core grammatical roles: が, を, に, の, と, で, から, etc.

8.2   Particles for peripheral roles: の, に, へ, で, から, まで, と, etc

8.3   Complex particles

8.4   Non-clausal conjunctive particles

8.5   Clausal conjunctive particles

8.5.1   Conjunctive particles subordinating conditional IPs

8.5.2   Conjunctive particles subordinating non-conditional IPs

8.5.3   Conjunctive particles coordinating independent IPs

8.6   Particles intrducing complementizer clauses (CP-THT): と, という, etc.

8.6.1   Content complements of predicates

8.6.2   Content complements of nouns

8.7   Sentence-final particles: か, ね and よ, etc.

8.8   Particles as clausal constituents: て, ん, の, は, も, etc.

8.9   Toritate (focus) particles: か, しか, は, ばかり, も, etc.

8.10   Particle ommission

8.11   Particle stacking

8.12   Particle burying

9   Predicates

9.1   Verbs (VB)

9.1.1   Verb classification

9.1.2   Special cases (VB)

9.2   い-adjectives (ADJI)

9.3   Special cases (ADJI)

9.4   Copular expressions

9.4.1   Copulas and copula drop

9.4.2   Shapes of copulas

9.4.3   Criteria for disambiguation of copulas (contr. by Hayashi, Noritugu)

9.4.4   な-adjectives (ADJN)

9.4.5   Special cases (ADJN)

9.4.6   Nominal predicates (NP-PRD)

9.4.7   Special cases (NP-PRD)

9.4.8   PPs as copular complements

9.5   Predicate extensions

9.5.1   Extensions attaching to combining stems

9.5.2   Extensions attaching to finite inflections

9.5.3   Special cases for predicate extensions

10   Nouns (N) and other nominal categories (NPR, PRO, WPRO, Q, QN)

11   Determiners (D) and Indeterminate Diterminers (WD)

12   Prenominals (PNL)

13   Adverbs (ADV) and Indeterminate Adverb (WADV)

14   Pronouns (PRO) and indeterminate pronouns (WPRO)

15   Numerals (NUM) and classifiers (CL)

16   Parenthetical layers (PRN)

17   Intermediate nominal layers (NML)

18   Noun phrases (NP)

18.1   Subjects (NP-SBJ)

18.2   Secondary subjects (NP-SBJ2)

18.3   Logical subjects (NP-LGS)

18.4   Primary non-subject arguments (NP-OB1)

18.5   Secondary non-subject arguments (NP-OB2)

18.6   Locative NPs (NP-LOC)

18.7   Measure NPs (NP-MSR)

18.8   Temporal NPs (NP-TMP)

18.9   Adverbial NPs (NP-ADV)

18.10   Vocative NPs (NP-VOC)

18.11   Topic NPs (NP-TPC)

18.12   Bare NPs

19   Prenominal phrases (PNLP)

20   Adverb phrases (ADVP)

21   Predicate noun phrases (NP-PRD)

22   Adnominal clauses

22.1   Adnominal clauses with traces (IP-REL)

22.2   Adnominal clauses without traces (IP-EMB)

22.3   Internally headed relative clauses

22.4   Resumptive pronouns

23   Clause types

23.1   Questions (CP-QUE)

23.2   Exclamative utterances (CP-EXL)

23.3   Imperative clauses (IP-IMP)

24   Nominalized clauses (IP-NML)

25   Adverbial clauses (IP-ADV)

26   Control environments

26.1   Control into small clauses (IP-SMC)

26.2   Control into adverbial clauses (IP-ADV)

26.3   Control into content complements of nouns (IP-EMB)

26.4   Preventing control with null elements

27   Clause coordination

27.1   Distinguishing between subordination and coordination

27.2   Expressing coordination while maintaining flat clausal stucture

27.3   Multiple clausal conjuncts

27.4   Summary

28   Non-clausal coordination (CONJP)

28.1   Coordinated NPs

28.2   Coordinated PPs

28.3   Coordinated ADVPs

29   Quantification

29.1   Expressions with Q

29.1.1   Prenominal expressions with Q

29.1.2   Appositive expressions with Q

29.1.3   Floating expressions with Q

29.1.4   Referring expression with Q

29.1.5   Host-less adverbial expressions with Q

29.2   Expressions with NUMCLP

29.2.1   Prenominal expressions with NUMCLP

29.2.2   Appositive expressions with NUMCLP

29.2.3   Floating expressions with NUMCLP

29.2.4   Referring expressions with NUMCLP

29.2.5   Host-less adverbial expressions with NUMCLP

29.3   Expressions with W

29.3.1   W expressions with も

29.3.2   W expressions with か

30   Constructions

30.1   N-bar deletion

30.2   Right node raising construction

30.3   Verbless depictive (absolute) clauses

30.4   Multiple sentences in a quotation

30.5   Focused pseudocleft constructions

30.6   Double object constructions

30.7   Direct passive constructions

30.7.1   Objects in passive

30.8   Causatives

30.9   Causative passives

30.10   Indirect passives

30.11   Comparative constructions with clauses

30.12   Fragments (FRAG)

30.13   Purpose of motion clauses

30.14   Various quotes (including CP-THT and CP-QUE)

30.14.1   Questions as arguments

30.14.2   Adverbial quotes (CP-THT-ADV) and questions (CP-QUE-ADV)

30.14.3   Appositional quotes and questions

30.14.4   Volitional adjuncts

30.15   Raising-to-object constructions

30.15.1   Raising out of complementizer clauses

30.15.2   Raising out of small clauses

31   Punctuation

32   Metadata (META)

33   Colloquial forms

33.1   Interjection phrases (INTJP)

33.2   False starts (FS)

33.3   Ellipsis

33.4   Afterthoughts

33.5   Contractions

34   Ambiguous forms

34.1   Particles versus copulas

34.1.1   で

34.1.2   に

34.1.3   と

34.1.4   の

34.2   だろう and でしょう

34.3   (ら)れる

34.3.1   Direct passive

34.3.2   Indirect passive

34.3.3   Spontaneous

34.3.4   Potential

34.3.5   Honorific

34.4   よう

